National Meeting on Economics of Land Degradation and the National Working Group Meeting of Flood and Drought Management (December 07-08, 2022) 
Phnom Penh: H.E Mr. Pic Dun, Adviser of CNMC, chaired the National Meeting on Economics of Land Degradation and the National Working Group meeting of Flood and Drought Management in the Cambodia-Thailand border area, the participation of officials from relevant Ministries and institutions, MOWRAM, MAFF, MOP, MRD, TSA, MPWT, NCDM, MEF, PDOWRAM (Banteay Meanchey, Battambang and Pailin), Officials from ICEM, GIZ, MRCS, national experts, international experts and Officials from CNMC. The objective of the national meeting is to (1) discuss with key stakeholder at the national level to establish the scope of the economic analysis of NbS study for the 9C Stung Mongkol Borey sub-Basin (2) Build capacity of the national and sub national stakeholder on the core concepts, costs, benefits and scenarios (3) Review and recap on phase III activities (4) Review outcomes of GEF funding and (5) discuss on next step for 2023....
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Regional Meeting on the Progress of the Implementation plan for Flood and Drought Management Project (December ០7, 2022) 
Bangkok: The National Working Group for Cambodia from MOWRAM. MPWT and the CNMC General Secretariat, attended a Regional Meeting on the progress of the implementation plan for Flood and Drought Management Project and Annual Mekong Report 2021. The Meeting was facilitated by representative of the MRC Secretariat with participation of National Working Groups of the MRC Member countries (Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao PDR, Thailand), International Consultants and the MRC Secretariat team. The Meeting’s objectives are 1. To report the progress of the flood and drought management activities; 2. To discuss on solutions and roadmaps for the project for 2023-2024; 3. To discuss on the content of national report for AMHR-2021; 4. To present the draft AMHR-2021 with analysis of flood and drought situation and impact by typhoon and storms for 2021; and 5. To discuss the needs and requirement for improving AMHR-2021....
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EGEM on Finalize the Detailed Methodology for MRC RPM Protocols (December 07, 2022)
Bangkok: Cambodia working group comes from Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, Fisheries Administration and Cambodia National Mekong Committee participated in EGEM on Finalize the detailed methodology for MRC RPM protocols and was attended by member countries, MRCS, and GIZ. The objectives of the meeting are: 1. Review and discuss on the draft final of the detailed methodology for the long-term and cost-effective monitoring of riverine plastic debris pollution in the LMB; and 2. Discuss the way forward and planned implementation of the detailed methodology, including the provision of capacity-building activities....
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13th Regional Expert Group Meeting on Data, Modelling and Forecasting (December 06, 2022) 
Bangkok: H.E Mr. So Sophort, Secretary General of Cambodia National Mekong Committee (CNMC), chaired The 13th Regional Expert Group Meeting on Data, Modelling and Forecasting (13th EGDMF), focusing on Joint Study on the Changing patterns of Hydrological Conditions of the Lower Mekong River Basin and Adaptation Strategies. The Meeting was also co-chaired by Mr. Tran Minh Khoi, Director of Technical Support Division, representative of the MRC Secretariat, with participation of working groups of the MRC member countries and the MRC Secretariat. The composition of the National Working Group for Cambodia to participate in the meeting is coming from Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the CNMC General Secretariat. The Meeting’s objectives are (1) to seek the overall comments and suggestions for a common understanding of the Technical Report of the Mekong-Lancang Joint Study from all relevant member countries; (2)...
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