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Cambodia Climate Change Summit 2022 (October 17-19, 2022)

Category: CNMC_2022

Siemreap: His ​Excellency ​Mr. Kol Vathana, ​Deputy ​Secretary ​General ​of ​the Cambodia National Mekong Committee, had been nominated to take part in the Cambodia Climate Change Summit 2022 (CCCS22), which is hosting by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) together with the Mekong Future Initiative (MFI). The CCCS2022 physically gather diverse stakeholders totally 170 participants from Communities, CSOs, Youths, Development Partners, Embassies (US, Australia, British), the government institutions (MoE, CNMC, MoT, and RAC), and private sectors, including Forte Insurance, Heineken, Smart Axiata, BritCham, YEAC, and iDE Globe for environmental collaboration and partnership in contribution to inclusive economic recovery and bring Cambodia to lower carbon, resilience and sustainable growth.

The overall theme of the conference is Sustainability, including a 20-booth exhibitor's fair for local Sustainable Solutions & Projects in Cambodia. The underlying theme of the conference is Collaboration; the public sector, private sector and civil society working in concert to develop innovative strategies for dealing with climate change. This includes encouraging national commitments to work within the Paris Agreement framework and developing strategies with industry and civil society partners to rapidly move towards a carbon-neutral future.

The Summit will include topics on Renewable Energy, Green Finance/Climate Finance, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Environmental Technological Innovations across a wide range of industries such as Agriculture, Transport, Tourism and Commerce with over a dozen sessions. The event is also considered as a Platform for sharing insights and initiatives around the above-mentioned themes and topics in a variety of formats including presentations, discussions, forums, demonstrations, and panel/round table talks.

His Excellency Mr. Kol Vathana have been invited to be one of the panelists with representative from MoE, Fisheries Administration, WWF, and RAC, in the Panel Discussion on "Joint Efforts to Safeguarding the Lower Mekong’s Aquatic Resources and Ecosystems", the Objectives of which are (1) to raise awareness among the public and river-dependent communities and call for more active participation and joint efforts to sustain the Mekong’s ecosystems and aquatic resources; (2) to hear from different views/perspectives from relevant experts and conservationist on possible ways to safeguarding the Lower Mekong’s aquatic resources and ecosystems; and (3) to hear from different views of experts how could Cambodia improve transboundary cooperation to manage and safeguard the Mekong’s water resources and ecosystems.

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