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National Consultative Meeting on Improvement of Regional Flood and Drought Management Center (October 01, 2021)

Category: CNMC_Feb21

Kampong Cham: H.E So Sophort, ​​​​​​​​​​Secretary General ​​​​​​of Cambodia National Mekong Committee ​(CNMC), ​chaired a ​National Consultative Meeting on Improvement of Regional Flood and Drought Management Center; National Flood and Drought Forecasting Center and Pilot Project with participation of representatives from relevant ministries, institutions, experts of the MRC Secretariat and the CNMC General Secretariat.

The Meeting’s objectives are (1) to discuss on the site selection for pilot project on flood and drought forecasting activities; (2) to refresh participants on the fundamentals of FEWS model, including FFG and Drought model; (3) to verify hydro-meteorological data availability as operational data for model inputs. acquirement and specification; and (4) to design capacity building on the forecasting of flood, flashflood and drought and find a way to improve the RFDMC products and services.

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