Developed by Khmer Focus

3rd Regional Training on the Introduction of Potential Tools to Support the MRC DSF (July 26-27, 2022)

Category: CNMC_2022

Bangkok: Mr. Chheang Hong, ​Director of ​Information and Knowledge Management Dept. of CNMC, lead the Technical Working Group from MOWRAM and the CNMC General Secretariat to attend the 3rd Regional Training on the introduction of Potential Tools to Support the MRC DSF. The Training is facilitated by the MRCS with participation of representatives of the Member Countries’ technical experts, international Consultants from USACE, K Water and MRC Secretariat team.

The Training’s objectives are to be enable the participants to access, process, reformat, and correct earth  observation remote  sensing  data  for earth  modeling using the NASA access and  Soil,  Water  and  Assessment.

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