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Discussion Meeting on Impacts Caused by the Mekong River Low Flow on Mekong and Tonle Sap Riparian Communities (January 06, 2022)

Category: CNMC_2022

Phnom Penh: His. Excellency Mr. Kol Vathana, ​Deputy Secretary General of the Cambodia National Mekong Committee (CNMC) have participated as Invited Speaker in the Discussion Meeting on “Impacts caused by the Mekong River low flow on Mekong and Tonle Sap riparian Communities and the appropriate measures for minimization and mitigating the Impacts”, which presided over by Mr. Sok Khim, Programme Manager of the Oxfam in Cambodia and facilitated by Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of the NGO Forum on Cambodia. The total participants of the meeting is around 70 people from around 30 NGOs, 2 Academia, 6 local communities coming from the Mekong River System in Cambodia, Independent Research fellows, MRC Secretariat Representative, and Representatives of the Royal Government of Cambodia Institutions, including CNMC, TSA, and FiA of MAFF.

The Objects of the Discussion Meeting are as follows.

1. Dissemination of the Finding of the Research on “Impacts caused by the Mekong River low flow 2019-2020 on Mekong and Tonle Sap riparian Communities” and receiving comments on the Discussion Meeting and Development of Policy for the future; and

2. Exchanging of Views and comments in order to get knowledge for developing the appropriate measures for minimization and mitigating the Impacts.

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