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National Consultation Meeting to Discuss the 1st Draft of the Financing Mechanism Case Study for Mekong Fund (October 20, 2022)

Category: CNMC_2022

Steung Sen: The ​Cambodia ​National ​Mekong ​Committee ​had organized the National Consultation Meeting to discuss the 1st Draft of the Financing Mechanism Case Study for Mekong Fund, presided over and chaired the discussion by His Excellency Mr. Kol Vathana, Deputy Secretary General of CNMC and participated by the CNMC Secretariat relevant staff, Officials from relevant ministries and agencies, namely MAFF, MME, MPWT, CNMC, and TSA, and the National Consultant.

The Objectives of the Meeting are (1) to understand the 1st draft of the Financial Mechanism Case Study (FMCS) for Mekong Fund (through multiple partnerships and financing sources for the benefit of environmental assets, disaster response and vulnerable social groups; and (2) to provide feedback on findings and recommendations on each component of the FMCS to improve the draft FMCS for Mekong Fund as inputs for finalizing it.

The Meeting have considered, discussed, and provided input into the 1st draft of FMCS for Mekong Fund, focusing on (1) Overview of the Mekong Fund (process, need for Mekong Fund, Need for FMCS), (2) Project pipeline, (3) Vehicle structure, (4) Capital sources, (5) Institutional arrangements, (6) Governance needs, (7) Legal arraignments, (8) Monitoring and Evaluation, Reporting and Learning, and (9) Roadmap to the operationalization of the Mekong Fund.

Comments and Recommendations receiving from the Meeting with synthesized with the Outcome of the National Consultation Meetings from other MRC Member Countries, used for improvement of the 1st draft of FMCS for Mekong Fund and formulation of the draft Policy Paper on Mekong Fund.

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