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- Preparatory Meeting of the PNPCA JCWG on Sharing of Data and Information on the Proposed Phou Ngoy (July 08, 2022)
- National Training Workshop on the Riverine Plastic Monitoring Protocols (July 04-08, 2022)
- 14th Meeting of the Cambodia-Laos Joint Commission (July 07, 2022)
- 6th EGSP Meeting (July 06, 2022)
- Regional Workshop on the Japanese Irrigation Technique/Technology (July 04, 2022)
- 2nd National Working Group Meeting on Transboundary Cooperation for Flood and Drought Management (July 01, 2022)
- 12th Regional Stakeholder Forum to Address Critical Climate Change and Development Challenges in the Mekong Basin (June 29, 2022)
- 1st Consultative Forum on the Triangular Cooperation Project on Sustainable Development in the LMB (June 28, 2022)
- 12th EGDMF Meeting (June 24, 2022)
- 14th Meeting of MRC Budget Committee (June 23, 2022)
- 10th Informal Meeting of the MRC Development Partners (June 22, 2022)
- Dissemination Workshop on the 2020 Lower Mekong Water Quality Report (June 22, 2022)
- Internal Meeting of the CNMC to Review and Discuss the Work Progresses, Challenges and Remedial Actions (June 17, 2022)
- National Consultation Meeting on the Cost-Benefit Analysis to Redesign a Core River Monitoring Network (June 16, 2022)
- National Consultation Meeting for the Implementation Pilot Project of Water Use Monitoring System in LMB (June 14, 2022)
- Completion Ceremony of Training Courses for 2020-2021 and Kick-off Ceremony of Training Programme for 2022 (June 13, 2022)
- Meet with Representatives of Asia Pacific of the UN Office for the South-South Cooperation (June 10, 2022)
- ICEM Working Group Met with Provincial Officer of Department of Water Resources and Meteorology (June 06-10, 2022)
- Regional Training Workshop on GIS and Remote Sensing Technique (May 19-20, 2022)
- National Workshop on the Updating Handbook on Gender Mainstreaming in the MRC Core Functions (May 18, 2022)
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