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- Training for the Manual on Carriage, Handling and Storage of Dangerous Goods (September 23, 2022)
- National Consultative Workshop on Environmental and Social Framework for Cambodia Water Security Improvement Project (September 20, 2022)
- Training Workshop on the MRC Operational Manuals on Administration, Finance, IT Procurement and Human Resource Management (September 20, 2022)
- National Consultation Meeting on Development of Updated Management Plan for Priority Environmental Assets of Regional Important (September 16, 2022)
- Regional Consultation Meeting on Gender and Vulnerability Data Requirements (September 16, 2022)
- Study Tour on Transboundary Water Governance and Cooperation (September 06-09, 2022)
- Regional Consultation Meeting on Development of Transboundary Adaptation Projects (September 08 2022)
- Regional Training Workshop on Regional Studies (September 06-09, 2022)
- 2nd Meeting of the Joint Committee Working Group (JCWG) on the Preparation for the 4th MRC Summit (September 06, 2022)
- Stakeholder Consultation Meeting to Explore the Discussion Topics and Session for the 1st Mekong-Korea International Water Forum (September 05, 2022)
- Regional Working Session on the Updated Preliminary Design Guidance for Mainstream Dams in LMB (September 05, 2022)
- Regional Training Workshop for Case Study of Mekong Basin (August 29-31, 2022)
- Launch the Project on Fish and Irrigation (Fish Tech) (August 30, 2022)
- Regional Workshop on the Strengthening and Enhancing the Coordination Work (August 26, 2022)
- Discuss with the UNOSSC Working Group on the Pilot Study at the Northeast Areas of Cambodia (August 24, 2022)
- National Workshop on Enhanced MRC-IS Data Portal Refreshment (August 23, 2022)
- National Working Session on MRC Application for GCF Accreditation (August 23, 2022)
- Regional Training Workshop on Conceptual Groundwater Modeling Development(August 18-19, 2022)
- 40th Meeting of the MRC Joint Committee (JC) Task force (August 18, 2022)
- EGEM Meeting on Cost-Benefit Analysis to Redesign a Core River Monitoring Network (August 17, 2022)
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